The 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival Experience [Updated]

2012 Philip K. Dick FestivalThe history page on the site for the 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival has been updated with everything that I could find.

If you have anything you would like to share, please email philipkdickfestival[at]gmail[dot]com. Feel free to send photos, links, videos, write ups or anything else you think other fans would like to see. For photo and videos, I would like to be able to write a caption of some sort to provide context for the images so if you can provide a description or a few words, that would be great.

You also may be able to post items to the festival’s Facebook page timeline or tag the festival’s page in photos. I’m not an expert on Facebook so if you’re feeling adventurous, give it a shot and if it doesn’t work, I can remove any errors.

The Philip K. Dick Film Festival Coming Soon

Philip K. Dick Film Festival If you plan on attending The Philip K. Dick Film Festival and haven’t made arrangements, you will need to act fast. The film festival is December 7,8, and 9 in Brooklyn, New York. The schedule of films and events is located here and I believe that it is a finalized schedule. Tickets can be purchased for individual movies, film festival days or the entire three day festival. Of particular interest to Philip K. Dick fans, Radio Free Albemuth will be showing on Friday, December 7, 2012 from 7:30 PM to 9:15 PM (EST). Tickets are avialble here. Also showing are three other films that are about adaptions of Philip K. Dick’s work or are about Philip K. Dick: Beyond the Door, No Relation, and Meddlers. There are also many other films that would be of interest to fans of Philip K. Dick. In addition, the festival has organized discussion panels including Philip K Dick, HP Lovecraft and The New Consciousness in which John Alan Simon, the director of Radio Free Albemuth, will be speaking.

Other Upcoming Philip K. Dick Gatherings

There are two upcoming festivals/conferences for Philip K. Dick fans:

Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick

Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick

An International Conference from November 15-18, 2012 at TU Dortmund University, Germany




The Philip K. Dick Film Festival

December 7-9, 2012 at Indiescreen, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY


The 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival Was A Success!

2012 Philip K. Dick FestivalThanks to everyone who attended the 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival in San Francisco on Sept 22-23. You helped make the festival a big success! Looking forward to Southern California in 2014.

I am creating a history page on the site for the 2012 Philip K. Dick Festival similar to the one for the 2010 festival: In addition I would like to post or share as many of the pictures, videos, presentations, reports, articles, etc. from the festival on the Facebook page ( During and immediately after the festival, there was so much that I saw posted or shared that I was overwhelmed and I would like to capture as much of that as possible.

If you have anything you would like to share, please email philipkdickfestival[at]gmail[dot]com. Feel free to send photos, links, videos, write ups or anything else you think other fans would like to see. For photo and videos, I would like to be able to write a caption of some sort to provide context for the images so if you can provide a description or a few words, that would be great.

You also may be able to post items to the festival’s Facebook page timeline or tag the festival’s page in photos. I’m not an expert on Facebook so if you’re feeling adventurous, give it a shot and if it doesn’t work, I can remove any errors.

Interview with the Creators of Precious Artifacts: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography

Precious Artifacts Cover

Henri Wintz and David Hyde agreed to an email interview about their recently published bibliography, Precious Artifacts : A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, USA and UK Editions, 1955-2012.

Why did we write the book considering much of the information is already available online?

Certainly there is a lot of bibliographic information about PKD’s editions online and scattered over many websites in many languages. The common perception that you can find anything online is true. In the case of Philip K. Dick the fan need only go to to find an excellent bibliographic resource (and I must note that my partner in the publication of PA, Henri Wintz, is proprietor of It may be that in the future everything will be in the Internet cloud and books will become a thing of the past like ancient pottery, which is why our title – Precious Artifacts – is perfect; When Henri suggested it I instantly knew this was our title. In short, we love books.

Why create the bibliography now?

Why not? We can’t wait till we’re dead to do it. Both Henri and I have separately been compiling our own bibliographies for years. I started making notes back around 1985 and Henri, too, became a PKD fan in the 80s. It so happened that our separate bibliographies neared completion around the same time. I wanted to publish a PKD bibliography, or, rather, a series of PKD bibliographies, starting with the USA and UK editions in 2010 and I contacted Henri with the proposition that we work together on this. And here we are, the first volume is done.

How long did it take to put the book together?

We began work in earnest in early 2011. So it has taken a year and a half to reach publication. About six months of that on copy editing alone.

What was the process you used to put the book together? How did you work as a team to create it?

Henri and I are completely different. He’s the consummate professional and, indeed, is a scientist working as editorial director at a biotech firm in California. I’m the complete amateur who has the goal in mind and tackles things as they come. So, there’s a huge gap between the ways we usually do things. I think Henri realized early on that my tools were primitive and my computer knowledge outdated so he assumed control of the technical and design aspects of manuscript preparation and making sure we had high quality images for the PKD cover pictures. I did a lot of the writing. Once we established a steady method of communication by email we swapped ideas and clarified issues. But we remained autonomous to a large degree, straightforward decisions we each made routinely. One thing we agreed on was that this would be a quality book. With damn-near 50 years of PKD knowledge between us we knew what we were doing and wanted to do it right.

How did you approach the book differently than the Levack book?

As the first published English language PKD bibliography, Levack’s book served as inspiration and model to us. Our cover, designed by Nick Buchanan, is based on Levack’s cover. We also referenced the Galactic Central PKD bibliography. The first thing we wanted to do was make our edition full color and to bring everything up to date. Levack was published in 1981, that’s thirty years ago. Levack also has many foreign editions described in his bibliography and a section covering PKD’s short stories and other writings. We decided for space reasons that with so many USA, UK and other English language PKD editions published since 1955 that we would confine the first volume of Precious Artifacts to the novels and major story collections. As it is on publication Precious Artifacts has 140 pages.

Did you use as a resource?

Yes, we did. is the online standard in PKD bibliographies, it is the most complete in English language editions and I carefully checked my own bibliography against Henri’s. Having two bibliographies to compare helped us find errors, variant editions, and generally tightened up our combined bibliography – Precious Artifacts.

What did you add to the book that’s not available on the website?

Henri’s online bibliography is like a database organized around the cover images of all the PKD books he’s collected and found online. There’s all kinds of information there sorted in many ways, his website is huge and modern. What we added to our book was the publication details of PKD’s books – all the bibliographic data about book types, dates, cover artists, ISBN, and any other information we knew that fit within a traditional definition of a bibliography – number of pages, cover price, publishers marks, etc. As Precious Artifacts is the first in a series of PKD bibliographies, we have added introductory essays on rare book collecting, collecting signed editions, a brief Philip K. Dick biography, and in the back we have a glossary of bibliographic terms, a PKD chronology, and a guide to the collectable editions of PKD written by Frank Hollander. Our book is intended for fans of PKD and also book collectors.

How do you plan on updating the bibliography to keep it current?

Henri’s website and our Facebook page will be where we note new editions and useful information. Eventually, we will publish supplements in similar format to Precious Artifacts so the owners of our book will have a nice looking row of books on their bookshelves as we extend the series into the short story editions of PKD and foreign language editions.

Will you do foreign language editions?

Our intention is to do foreign language editions. Next up is the short story bibliography in English and then the French editions. We’re going with France first because Henri is French and knows the language and his website already has a large French bibliography. Then on to other languages like Spanish, German, Italian, Polish. We already have incomplete bibliographies in over twenty languages.

When is the hardcover available?

The hardcover is available now. This is a limited edition of 100 and they’re selling fast. We decided to add a hardcover edition because we wanted durability and to offer the PKD fans an edition that we believe will appreciate in value as a collectable hardcover book.

Anything to add?

Henri and I will be at the Philip K. Dick Festival in San Francisco over the weekend of September 22nd/23rd 2012. There we will talk about Precious Artifacts and have some hardcovers and paperbacks for sale which we will gladly autograph for the fans. We’ll also talk about collecting PKD books and have an Antiques Roadshow sort of thing where we evaluate books that the attendees bring to the festival.

This Philip K. Dick bibliography project that we have embarked on is probably something we will never finish. But we shall continue as long as we can. With our foreign language volumes we intend not only bibliographies but also knowledgeable articles about science fiction development in foreign lands focused around Philip K. Dick. Many countries have different publishing traditions than those in the USA and UK and these traditions are often fascinating in themselves. When complete out series of PKD bibliographies will present a history of the global science fiction publishing industry for the last sixty years.

Precious Artifacts CoverPrecious Artifacts : A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, USA and UK Editions, 1955-2012 has been published and is now available for purchase on or as a trade paperback. The hardback edition of the bibliography can be ordered at

If you have questions about the book, please contact them at precious_artifacts[at]pkdickbooks[dot]com.

Home Page:
Facebook page:

Precious Artifacts Published

Precious Artifacts CoverPrecious Artifacts : A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, USA and UK Editions, 1955-2012 has been published as a trade paperback and is now available for purchase on or From the The Philip K. Dick Bookshelf announcement:

Precious Artifacts is a fully illustrated bibliography of the novels and major story collections of Philip K. Dick published in the USA and UK. It covers almost 60 years of PKD publications with close to 600 editions referenced with full-color cover art. Fans of Philip K. Dick will find herein a trove of information and details on PKD’s books including knowledgeable essays on collecting books, a useful guide to collecting rare editions, a glossary of bibliographic terms and a chronology of PKD’s novels.

The hardback edition of the bibliography will be available soon and can be preordered at The trade paperback can be ordered at or

If you have questions about the book, please contact them at precious_artifacts[at]pkdickbooks[dot]com.

Home Page:
Facebook page:

The Philip K. Dick Film Festival Announced

A fan based film festival is being organized in New York City called the Philip K. Dick Film Festival to take place November 9 – 11, 2012 in honor of Philip K. Dick’s fantastic legacy in Science Fiction and philosophy. This is a not for profit operation. The goal to show good films inspired by Philip K. Dick, Franz Kafka, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Jorge Luis Borges and other writers of the metaphysical.

There will be several shorts adapted from Philip K. Dick works (all taken from public domain stories) and a one documentary featuring his son Chris. The festival will have films from other Science Fiction writers/directors as well.

The web site is

Precious Artifacts Announcement

Precious Artifacts CoverDavid Hyde (Lord Running Clam) and Henri Wintz are close to publishing their PKD bibliography, PRECIOUS ARTIFACTS: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, USA and UK Editions, 1955-2012. What promises to be an amazing accomplishment and update to all previous biographies is scheduled to be published in June. They have also launched a Kickstarter project in support of this book and you can pledge there and receive one of their great rewards. And also started a Facebook page where they discuss the book and their progress towards publication in June 2012. To help spread the word, please ‘like’ and ‘share’ their book on your networks.

Home Page:
Kickstarter page:
Facebook page:

Review: Pink Beams of Light from the God in the Gutter: The Science-Fictional Religion of Philip K. Dick by Gabriel McKee (2003)

In the comments section, please add your your review, your criticism or a link to as post when you have much more to write than would fit in a comment.


This book is an excellent academic study of the theme of religion in the works of Philip K. Dick. The book is a slim volume and could have been much longer but you still get your money’s worth from the amount of analysis and information crammed into those pages.

The book is divided into three sections which consist of Dick’s writings view from a religious point of the view in three areas of his career. His early writing is covered along with his middle and later (VALIS) years are extensively reviewed and analyzed. I felt that the work covered the topic extremely well and I learned not only about Dick’s work but about religion.

The text was published several years ago so it might be a little difficult to get a hold of but the price might turn some readers off. If you are interested in a religious analysis of the works of Philip K. Dick, I believe this one is the only one out there and it is very well written.

Other Reviews Reviews Reviews

Public Domain Philip K. Dick Stories

I sense something brewing with the issue of incorrectly managed copyright renewals and Public Domain Philip K. Dick stories. We have already seen the news about the producers refusing to finish paying for the rights to Adjustment Team and there are eleven stories that have been put into Project Gutenberg that I have archived on this site also. These facts appear to be generally known.

At there have been two articles that makes me believe first that they are researching the topic and second that there are many other short stories that are now in the Public Domain that few people realize. Their article Commentary: Philip K. Dick’s PUBLIC DOMAIN short stories, novelettes and novellas is the most stunning for me. The article details the status of each story and I count twenty-six in the Public Domain with seven more likely.

These are the stories in the Public Domain:

  1. Beyond Lies The Wub
  2. The Gun
  3. The Skull
  4. The Defenders
  5. Mr. Spaceship
  6. Piper In The Woods
  7. Second Variety
  8. The Eyes Have It
  9. The Hanging Stranger
  10. Tony And The Beetles
  11. Beyond The Door
  12. The Crystal Crypt
  13. The Golden Man
  14. Prominent Author
  15. Small Town
  16. The Turning Wheel
  17. Breakfast At Twilight
  18. Exhibit Piece
  19. Shell Game
  20. Adjustment Team
  21. Meddler
  22. The Last of the Masters (aka Protection Agency)
  23. Progeny
  24. Upon The Dull Earth
  25. Foster, You’re Dead
  26. Human Is
These are the stories likely in the Public Domain:

  1. Roog
  2. James P. Crow
  3. Survey Team
  4. Time Pawn
  5. The Chromium Fence
  6. A Surface Raid
  7. Vulcan’s Hammer

Another article,Copyfraud by the Philip K. Dick estate for Philip K. Dick stories published in 1954 and 1955, color codes a copyright form and most of the stories are listed to be in publications or issues that they do not appear in. The vividness of this image jumps out at the reader.

This is the list of incorrect entries:

  1. Shell Game
  2. James P. Crow
  3. The Golden Man
  4. Small Town
  5. Survey Team
  6. Foster, You’re Dead!
  7. Upon the Dull Earth
  8. The Turning Wheel
  9. Prominent Author
  10. Sales Pitch
  11. Breakfast at Twilight
  12. Of Withered Apples
  13. Jon’s World
  14. The Crawlers
  15. Time Pawn
  16. A World of Talent
  17. Adjustment Team
  18. Souvenir
  19. Progeny
  20. Human Is
  21. Meddler
  22. The Last of the Masters (aka Protection Agency)
  23. Strange Eden
  24. Exhibit Piece
  25. The Father-thing

There is some overlap but I think that the years covered are 1952-1955 and that the research beyond those years hasn’t occurred yet. At the rate this is going there won’t be much that isn’t in the Public Domain. This would be a huge waste of potential revenue that Electric Shepherd Productions will lose if they no longer own the rights to all these stories. And I’m not aware of the legal aspects or issues if any of the films made have recourse to sue for fraud.