In celebration of the new Audiobooks page just posted, one of the narrators has partnered with this site to sponsor a contest. The new page is located in the Works In Print menu or can be found here: /works-in-print/audiobooks/.
Ray Greenley (web site, Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud) narrated “The Unreconstructed M and Other Stories.” I listened to this audiobook and I think it’s really well done. Ray Greenley’s voice is a pleasure to listen to. With some audiobooks I’ve listened to, I have difficulty becoming immersed in the story because the narrator’s voice or rhythm or style of reading aloud, but with Ray’s narration I didn’t have that problem.
From the Amazon description of this audiobook:
What if…a machine could murder one person while implicating another for the crime? An alien being looked like livestock but spoke like a philosopher? Earth was ruined by war, and Mars was humanity’s only hope? Robots were created to wage an unending war on the ravaged surface of Earth while man hid underground? Peeking into the future showed a worse result with each look?
In The Unreconstructed M and Other Stories by master of science fiction Philip K. Dick, reality is as thin as imagination. Trust in your senses, your experience, and your expectations if you must. But be warned. What you do not know can leave you – and your world – forever changed!
“The Unreconstructed M” (1957), “Beyond Lies the Wub” (1952), “Strange Eden” (1954), “Survey Team” (1954), “The Defenders” (1953), “Beyond the Door” (1954), “Shell Game” (1954), “Piper in the Woods” (1953), “Meddler” (1954), “Of Withered Apples” (1954), “Progeny” (1954), “Upon the Dull Earth” (1954), “Human Is” (1955).
You can hear a preview of the audiobook at Audible, SoundCloud, or Amazon.
Now for the contest:
First and second place are each awarded with a copy of The Unreconstructed M and Other Stories, sold and delivered by Audible, an Amazon company
The challenge:
Readers will leave a comment with what would be their ultimate choice for a book to be read and the person who would read it. The best and/or most creative answer and the runner-up would receive the two promotional copies. Please leave your email address in the comment so we can contact you if you are a winner. You have until August 29. 2016 to enter.
For example, my choice would either be Benedict Cumberbatch reading The Hobbit (His voicing of Smaug in the movie was amazing! It was like the sound of Smaug’s voice that I’ve imagined since I first read the book.) or Martin Shaw reading Geek Love or Stranger in a Strange Land.